Some pseudo-random comments...

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Comments on the two Cubans... (Mario Rubio)

First, Mario Rubio, the Senator from Florida and then "Ted" Crux, the Senator from Texas. (Everything is bigger in Texas including the bull shit!)

Mario Rubio was born in Florida. His parents were came to the US of A in 1956, before Castro came to power. (This means they were not refugees.)

To quote Wikipedia: "Neither of his parents was a U.S. citizen at the time of Rubio's birth".  Doesn't this make Mario Rubio an "anchor baby"? The irony is that Rubio apparently is opposed to "anchor babies".

Rubio leads the Senate in the number of missed votes.

Rubio may have figured an effective way to kill off "The Affordable Health Care Act" (AKA "Obamacare"). He deserves to be shot for this crime!

Anyone who loses their health care when "Obamacare" dies should send their fucking medical bills directly to Rubio. They should also sue the bastard for their losses!


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