Some pseudo-random comments...

Monday, August 20, 2012

when does human life begin?

When does human life begin?  I don't know.

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof!"
Fox Mulder, FBI
Does it begin when a new born takes that first breath?

Does it begin with the first observed movement of a fetus in the uterus (the "quickening")?

Does it begin when attachment to the uterine wall occurs?

Does it begin with fertilization?

Does it begin when an egg detaches from it's ovary and begins it's journey down a fallopian tube?
In Sunday School, I was taught life began with the first breath, as that was the soul entering the body. I also read that the quickening was when the soul entered the body and life began. I would like to know what the Bible and Koran says. Both are holy books and thus have more historical legitimacy than recent political statements.
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof!"
Fox Mulder, FBI


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