Some pseudo-random comments...

Monday, August 20, 2012

politically, I don't count for shit

A couple of weeks ago, I committed an act of futility: I went to send a letter to both of "my" Senators.

When I went to one Senator's office, it took several minutes for the person inside to unlock the door and see who had the gall to visit "their" Senator. I said "I have some letters". and handed them to the office dragon. She took them and said nothing. I got the feeling  she was a warrior poised to fight off an invading barbarian army.

I did not feel welcomed and I left with the odd feeling that she had called the cops and where were they? What the hell, I was merely another fucking tax payer.

Why do I  get the feeling I didn't count for shit?

I suppose it was because:
  • I'm not well known, thus folks won't listen to my opinion,
  • I'm not politically important and not someone important in a powerful political organization,
  • I don't have any money and can't buy my way into the party by making big contributions,
  • I'm not in the news industry and folks won't read what I write (this blog is widely ignored),
  • I have no power and can't cause politicians trouble.
Thus, given these factors, I don't count for shit. I remember when politicians at least pretended to care what the taxpayers thought. I no longer have the naive belief.

I do know there are a great many like me...

On 20 September 2012, I got a nice reply from a letter I wrote Senator Roberts. This was quite the surprise since he stated he wanted the same things I did regarding medical care (i.e. coverage provided by "Obamacare"). However, he wanted this without raising taxes (on the very richest). Sadly, when you are deep in the red, you can only recover financially by cutting your expenses and raising your income (i.e. higher taxes on those who can best afford them, the really wealthy).

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