Some pseudo-random comments...

Friday, June 22, 2012

Good advise from 1 Timothy 54!

This is Bible Advise I can live with, even if I don't like the taste of most wine and end up needing a Pepto Bismo chaser after drinking most wine. Red wine is generally too sour ("dry"), white wine too sweet and about the only wine I enjoy is  White Zin. But, I'm diabetic so I can't drink much of it. I guess I'll just have to struggle along with gin-and-tonic or beer: Land Shark, MGD, Mic Lager. Apparently, the makers of "Henry Winehart's Private Reserve" have improved the recipe so much that most previous fans will not touch it!

Having said this, I am pleased to present my favourite part of 1 Timothy:

Book 54  1 Timothy

54:005:023 Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine other infirmities."

This is taken from the King James translation of the Bible as published in Project Gutenberg.


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