¿President Trump?
When "The Donald" started running for President, we all thought this was a joke! It seemed like a great way to bring attention to his TV shows and we thought that one of the professional politicians would trump Trump's bid for President. I thought Trump was doing this as a favour to his good friends, the Clintons.
Then, we got the feeling Trump was taking this "run for President" seriously!
"The Donald" is now the Republican Candidate.
The House is going to release the latest Benghazi Report when they think it will do the most damage to Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton broke State Department rules and now the FBI wants to interrogate her. Non- Republicans don't expect an indictment to come of this but it surely will take votes away from her. It will absolutely take her off message!
Hillary Clinton continues to offer solutions to our many problems. "The Donald" offers insults and bullshit!
Hillary Clinton is
- a former First Lady,
- a former Senator and
- a former Secretary of State
She simply has a great deal of government experience. She knows government, foreign affairs and is known to foreign leaders.
"The Donald" does not know a damn thing about foreign affairs and foreign leaders distrust and fear him. They (and many of us) wonder how the hell Donald J. Trump got so far along in his farcical run for President?
I can trust Hillary Clinton with the keys to the nuke weapons.
I can not trust Donald Trump with the keys to the liquor cabinet yet along the keys to the nuke weapons!
It looks like Senator Bernie Sanders may be the only hope for the country!
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