Some pseudo-random comments...

Saturday, May 28, 2016

¿President Trump?

When "The Donald" started running for President, we all thought this was a joke!  It seemed like a great way to bring attention to his TV shows and we thought that one of the professional politicians would trump Trump's bid for President.  I thought Trump was doing this as a favour to his good friends, the Clintons.

Then, we got the feeling Trump was taking this "run for President" seriously!

"The Donald" is now the Republican Candidate.

The House is going to release the latest Benghazi Report when they think it will do the most damage to Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton broke State Department rules and now the FBI wants to interrogate her.  Non- Republicans don't expect an indictment to come of this but it surely will take votes away from her.  It will absolutely take her off  message!

Hillary Clinton continues to offer solutions to our many problems. "The Donald" offers insults and bullshit!

Hillary Clinton is
  • a former First Lady,
  • a former Senator and
  • a former Secretary of State

She simply has a great deal of government experience. She knows government, foreign affairs and is known to foreign leaders.

"The Donald" does not know a damn thing about foreign affairs and foreign leaders distrust and fear him. They (and many of us) wonder how the hell Donald J. Trump got so far along in his farcical run for President?

I can trust Hillary Clinton with the keys to the nuke weapons.

I can not trust Donald Trump with the keys to the liquor cabinet yet along the keys to the nuke weapons!

It looks like  Senator Bernie Sanders may be the only hope for the country!

back on Guam

I went to make coffee this morning and saw the time on one clock was 1:02 am. It was actually 8:18 am and this meant we'd had a power flicker.

Our town has the dirtiest electricity of any places we've lived with Guam in second place.  You'd think it would be better here "in the world".

Friday, May 27, 2016

Captain America: Civil War

This is probably the best Marvel character based movie yet!

It was very well written, full of surprises and quite dark at times. The movie is simply very worthy of watching!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Boot Hill Museum Variety Show and Gun Fight

I went to the "Friends and Family" night last night (at Boot Hill Museum) to see the dress rehearsal for this year's Variety Show and then the gun fight. Both were excellent.

Doug, the Director, brought back some old favourites and that includes the actress playing Mrs. Beeson. This lady makes a very realistic Mrs.  Beeson. They have a new  Mr. Beeson. It may take folks a while to accept a Mexican Mr. Beeson but I think this will happen. The new actor is a fine singer, fine actor and is very fit.

There was a bit of opening night jitters but that will pass.

storm on 24 May 2016

We had storms coming across Dodge City the evening of 24 May 2016. Some of these exhibited large tornadoes.

I went to the garage, opened the door twice and the first time, saw dime sized hail. The second time, it was dime to quarter sized and several chunks around 2 inches in diameter. I called this hail in to the NWS.

My hail report was never reported in a Local Storm Report or a Severe Weather Report.

I didn't recognize the voice on the phone. It could have been the new guy. However, I have not talked to the boys at the office since I retired on 31 January 2015 so I doubt I would have recognized the voice.

I realized I didn't know where the cat was. I was hoping she was hiding from the noise. I was also afraid she had somehow gotten past me and out of the garage and even was hiding in the garage. This fear ignores the reality that she is scared of going into the garage.

Then, the power went out. Fortunately, my new Kindle Fire puts out more light than my flash light. I sat on the toilet reading and felt my cat brushing against my legs. Maybe it was because I was in Jackie's "house" or maybe Jackie was simply upset. I was upset and fearful of tornadoes.

Shortly after 8 pm, I heard a horn and knew it was Kathie coming home from work. I also knew she wanted me to manually raise the garage door. So, I disengaged the garage door and manually raised it. I was waving at Kathie when the power came back on.

Kathie then drove into the garage and I tried to re-engage the garage door. I couldn't. Fortunately, I remembered that if you raise the door with the button, the door will automatically regage and it did so...

It was a scary spring event and the forecast is for more of the same tonight.

my A School photo (corryCTOmay1971big.jpg)

Thursday, May 19, 2016

missing plane

An aircraft left Paris and vanished over the Mediterranean last night. The known flight data indicated maneuvers that apparently confuse the experts, who are saying "aircraft limiting" is supposed to keep said maneuvers from happening. However, if the aircraft stalled then any maneuvers the flight crew deems needful are permitted.  Hopefully, the various Navies will find the "black box" and solve this mystery.

This is being investigated as an act of terrorism. The Egyptians are suggesting terrorism. This is interesting as the last time a plane leaving Egypt did not result in the Egyptian government "suggesting terrorism".  This sound political to me...

missing plane

An aircraft left Paris and vanished over the Mediterranean last night. The known flight data indicated maneuvers that apparently confuse the experts, who are saying "aircraft limiting" is supposed to keep said maneuvers from happening. However, if the aircraft stalled then any maneuvers the flight crew deems needful are permitted.  Hopefully, the various Navies will find the "black box" and solve this mystery.

This is being investigated as an act of terrorism. The Egyptians are suggesting terrorism. This is interesting as the last time a plane leaving Egypt did not result in the Egyptian government "suggesting terrorism".  This sound political to me...

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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

comments on this excessive election

This current Presidential campaign has been going on for about a year. I will be very happy when this happy horse shit is over.

My Grandmother Emma thought the Presidential campaign should begin on Lab our Day. My Aunt Lou said "now Mom, that isn't long enough. The campaigning should start on Memorial Day." My Grandmother reluctantly agreed.

I believe Aunt Lou had it right.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

campaign too long

This current Presidential campaign has been going on for about a year. I will be very happy when this happy horse shit is over.

My Grandmother Emma thought the Presidential campaign should begin on Lab our Day. My Aunt Lou said "now Mom, that isn't long enough. The campaigning should start on Memorial Day." My Grandmother reluctantly agreed.

I believe Aunt Lou had it right.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Emailing: Mikes_living_will_stuff-2.htm

I nearly drown in late 1987 (and haven't scuba dived since) and thought I was having a heart attack when I was 35 years old. My youngest brother died of congestive heart failure at age 44 years, 1 month, 8 days. You don't have to be "old" to worry about death and it's aftermath.

I am not a lawyer so contact one with your legal questions; I'm just someone whose youngest brother died intestate or "without a will"". Here are some suggestions based on what my brothers (especially Jim) and I experienced:

Before you die, before you even get sick, make a will telling what you want:

  • done with your body:

    • creamation or

    • embalming and burial,

    • who does the work,

    • your plans for payment,

    • burial site

    • or ash disposal instructions (i.e.: placement at a Veteran's Cemetary, a nice spot in your curio cabinet, burial with relatives, scattering at sea or the back yard),

  • You might plan your funeral service (I had a friend - Karla Jean Miller - who planned her funeral in complete detail. My youngest brother made no such plans; my brothers and I ended up going to our ministers to get advice...)

  • how to notify your boss(es),

  • who gets your stuff,

  • who you owe money to,

  • what liens are out on your property (i.e. on your car title!),

  • bank accounts,

  • 401Ks,

  • life insurance policies (and did you "borrow" money from it/them?)

  • what storage lockers you are renting,

  • what bank lock boxes or safe deposit boxes do you rent,

  • your email data,

  • social network accounts,

  • blogs,

  • newspapers and magazines you subscribe to,

  • what you want done with your dogs, cats, birds, fish (feed to cats?),"pet snakes" (now there is an oxymoron!),

  • a list of where you keep your medications and "sharps",

  • do you automatically get meds from a pharmacy (I do...) with billing afterwards,

  • and a list of folks to be notified with their phone numbers, email and mail addresses,

  • a list of files/directories on your computer(s) you want to give away. (i.e. I had my father's home movies from when I was in 1st grade translated to DVD but never got around to sending them to my brothers...) and,
  • a list of files/directoried you want purged before anyone gets your "old" computer(s) or it is sent to the breakers

All of this could be done on a couple of sheets of paper. You could sort bills and put them in a cheap, plastic, filing cabinet.

Contact the various companies your will's executor will have to deal with. If you die without a will, a judge may appoint a successor. If a successor is appointed, better hope it is a friend or relative who will work with your relatives or friends to determine who gets what. A court appointed successor might not be a friend to your kith and kin.

I explained this to a friend, the head of the local hospice. She said "get a living will and keep it up to date!"

You might consider writing your obituary; think of it as a permanent, uneditable, "wikipedia" entry on newspaper.

It just occurred to me that you could set aside money to buy booze and munchies for your wake. ("Won't be any 'lite' beer or Mad Dog or 'Ultra' at my wake!") Just a thought, albeit a bit morbid...

If you find an overdue VCR or DVD, expect to pay the overdue fine (unless you drop it in the slot and trundle off); I don't think they'll buy the "but it's overdue cause the renter died...

Finally, you might as well write down the library you borrow from and keep library books, etc. in a conveient place for their return. It never occurred to me to look for any library books or CDs my youngest brother might have checked out; his room mate would have dealt with this...

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Sunday, May 01, 2016

honest elections

This is more than a joke; this is quite likely the reality in many places including Kansas. A statistician is attempting to gain access to the paper records and electronic records in Sedgeweck County Kansas to look for anomalous patterns.

This data analysis could reveal that a number of votes on paper for Democrats were sent electronically as votes for Republicans. If the State Secretary of State fights this law suit effectively, the data will be hidden and we won't know if the election was stolen by state apparatchiks.

The Kansas SOS is doing a very effective job of keeping this voting audit from happening.

I have totally lost faith in the honesty of vote counting in Kansas!

To paraphrase Stalin:
"He who votes has no power; he who counts the votes has all the power."