Some pseudo-random comments...

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The two Cubans (Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz)

The Cubans: first, Mario Rubio, the Senator from Florida (see my other blog entry) and now Rafael Edward "Ted" Crux, the Senator from Texas. (Everything is bigger in Texas including the bull shit!)

Rafael was born in Canada to a US Mother and a Cuban Father. There is a form a US parent of a foreign born child must fill out shortly after their child is born in a foreign country.

Did his Mother fill out the required form declaring him a US citizen?

If she did, then Rafael should present his copy of this form to the press. This can not be a xerox. If necessary, the Embassy in Canada should provide a certified true copy or the State Department should provide a certified copy. Any copy from Rafael should be carefully analyzed to verify the form was used at the time and the specific model of typewriter was in use at said American Embassy. A "we lost the form but submitted it" note from his Mother is unacceptable!

He may have been the great genius lawyer but so-fucking-what? It takes much more than being a lawyer to be President!

So, what did Cruz do in the Senate?

He talked the House Republicans into making demands in the House spending bill that the Senate Democrats could not approve. This lead to the government being shut down. (I spent the shutdown working for free. I eventually got paid.) He is now listing this shutdown as an accomplishment! (or so I've heard)

Apparently, Rafael is hated and perhaps despised by many Congressional Republicans as well as the Democrats!  Remember, if you want to know about a person, just ask what their co-workers think of them. (Ouch!)

If you want to predict a person's future behaviour, take a very good look at their past and the current behaviour.  Just how the fuck could an
El Señor Presidente Rafael Cruz shut down the Government while occuping the Office of the President?  (Rafael "would find a way".)   (Note: "would find a way" is borrowed from "Hurt", the Johny Cash version.)

We can do a lot better than either of the two Cubans or the bitch!

Comments on the two Cubans... (Mario Rubio)

First, Mario Rubio, the Senator from Florida and then "Ted" Crux, the Senator from Texas. (Everything is bigger in Texas including the bull shit!)

Mario Rubio was born in Florida. His parents were came to the US of A in 1956, before Castro came to power. (This means they were not refugees.)

To quote Wikipedia: "Neither of his parents was a U.S. citizen at the time of Rubio's birth".  Doesn't this make Mario Rubio an "anchor baby"? The irony is that Rubio apparently is opposed to "anchor babies".

Rubio leads the Senate in the number of missed votes.

Rubio may have figured an effective way to kill off "The Affordable Health Care Act" (AKA "Obamacare"). He deserves to be shot for this crime!

Anyone who loses their health care when "Obamacare" dies should send their fucking medical bills directly to Rubio. They should also sue the bastard for their losses!

The clown car keeps driving...

Last night, the Nine Republican candidates for "El Señor President" (Mr. President) kept on wobbling along. I only watched part of this clown show as I can't stand any of these people.

"The Donald" continued with his bullshit.

The Canadian said something to the effect that "any one of us would be infinitely better at being President than" the [current] President.  Basically, he doesn't know what the fuck the President actually does.

Florina calls herself a "tested leader". Said "tested leader" merged her company with another and shit canned 30,000 employees. God only knows what she could do to the government if elected!

The only Republican I could vote for - Senator Graham - is poling so badly he was not even at the main table; he was at the "Kiddie table". This is a shame as he is also the only Veteran running for President.