Some pseudo-random comments...

Monday, October 07, 2013

Day 7 in the AM or Boehner's Shutdown continues

An unintended consequence of the House Republicans shutting down the US
government on 1 October 20123 is that it makes it easy to keep track of
how many days the US government has been shut down. Given the
rhetoric, I'm beginning to despair. The asshole who arranged this
strategy has commented that he is doing what his voters want and that it
is "not his responsibility to determine the consequences of a shutdown"
[or words to that effect].

Will those dickheads let the debt ceiling be breached later this month?
Will those assholes in the Republican House fuck us all? I fear they will.

House "Master" Boehner keeps blaming the President for maters being so
bad and yet it was the House putting the "kill Obamacare bill"in the
spending bill that lead to the shutdown. Speaker Boner, er, Boehner does
not seem to be leading but rather is being lead by the Teabaggers. (I
can afford to be candid in my remarks as I don't expect anyone to read
them; I would have better results if I had the courage to post on Facebook.)

I am ashamed to have been a Republican for so many years...

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