Some pseudo-random comments...

Monday, October 07, 2013

Conversation on 6 October 2013

We ate lunch at a very nice restaurant yesterday - "Prime on the Nine" -
when we heard the man behind us say "the furloughed government employees
are going to get paid for not going to work." I asked Kathie to confirm
what he had said. Then, I turned and said:

"I'm a furloughed government worker. I worked four days last week for
free, 3 pm to 11 pm. This coming week, I'll be working 5 am to 1 pm for
free too."

This gave the man pause and he said something like "I hope they start
paying you soon." I said "thank you", turned away and concentrated on
Kathie. Later, the folks behind me left and the man said "I hope they
start paying you soon." I thanked him.

It seems many people think of Federal Employees as fixing to be paid for
not working; they don't think of the Feds who are working for free such
as the NWS, FEMA, FAA, TSA, etc. Thanks a lot for this Speaker Boehner...

I know "my" House Member is guilty of shafting us all and can't wait to
switch to Democrat (from Republican) next erection season (I say
"erection" rather than "election" as "erection" leads to screwing the


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