Some pseudo-random comments...

Saturday, June 30, 2012

a reaction to the Supreme Court GOOD Decision on "Obamacare"

I'm happy to say I called wrong how the Supreme Court would decide!

I was appalled by Senator Pat Robert's comments on the Supreme Court decision on "Obamacare". If it is as bad as he states, then why didn't he and other Republician apparachicks come up with something better?

There is truth in this cartoon:

Consider that "Obamacare" was based on "Romneycare" and the "unconstitutional Mandate" was originally a Republican idea. I guess having the current President champion their ideas was too much for them and they just had to repudiate them!

It could not have been simple racism, could it?  Given that I went to high school in southern Mississippi and Junior College in central Mississippi, I find racism to be a plausible notion.

I suppose I should be nicer than this but I don't feel like it. I've lost family who might have lived had they health care insurance...

Friday, June 22, 2012

Good advise from 1 Timothy 54!

This is Bible Advise I can live with, even if I don't like the taste of most wine and end up needing a Pepto Bismo chaser after drinking most wine. Red wine is generally too sour ("dry"), white wine too sweet and about the only wine I enjoy is  White Zin. But, I'm diabetic so I can't drink much of it. I guess I'll just have to struggle along with gin-and-tonic or beer: Land Shark, MGD, Mic Lager. Apparently, the makers of "Henry Winehart's Private Reserve" have improved the recipe so much that most previous fans will not touch it!

Having said this, I am pleased to present my favourite part of 1 Timothy:

Book 54  1 Timothy

54:005:023 Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine other infirmities."

This is taken from the King James translation of the Bible as published in Project Gutenberg.

Sunday, June 03, 2012

some dispairing thoughts on "Obamacare"

It just occurred to me that "Affordable Health Care Reform" (AHDR) has probably been killed by the 5 to 4 Republican majority in the Supreme Court. I'd like to think they'll do something right for the American people and preserve AHDR (aka "Omabacare") but I see little reason for hope.

When the Supreme Court kills "Obamacare" and the Congress refuses to address the issues raised by it, then every person who dies from causes that could have been prevented by "Obamacare" will be a kill to be credited to each Supreme and each congress critter who refused to help the American people. This will require coroners to make such determininations and then report them. I suspect the numbers will grow enormously...

The issues include:
  • cancelling health insurance for people "coming down with" severe illness (i.e. diabetes)
  • not insuring those with "pre-existing conditions"
  • limits on amounts paid
  • not covering medical devices
  • arbitrary benefit cuts and
  • arbitrary co-pay increases
There are probably other issues I've overlooked. There is the horrible truth that many folks don't become sensitive to issues until they are forced to. I bet that if any of the Republican Supreme Court majority developed serious disease or their grandchildren do, then they'll modify their approach to laws.