Some pseudo-random comments...

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Very nice Babylon 5 quotes

 Babylon 5: Mediations of the Abyss (# 5.14)" (1998) 

Londo Mollari: "Vir, we are not biologically equipped to handle fast food." 

Vir Cotto: "I know. I know. But it tastes so great going down. Coming up again, it's not so terrific, but-" 

"Babylon 5: Believers" (1994) 

Kosh Naranek: "The avalanche has already started; it is too late for the pebbles to vote."

When the Texas State Legislature and governor padded SB1, a bill designed to restrict voting in Texas, folks thought this a bill intended to keep Democrats/Liberals from voting. Now that it is primary season in Texas it turns out this restrictive voting bill is screwing folks of all parties out of their right to vote. 

The TexAss Governor is unappologetic.

Brother Theo: Always, Edward, always. Take my hand. [Edward fumbles, and Theo takes his hand.] Through the mysteries of our redemption, may Almighty God release you from all punishments in this life and in the life to come. [Sheridan joins them, a look of dismay on his face as he realizes what's going on.] May He open to you the gates of Paradise and welcome you to everlasting joy. Father, look with compassion on Your servant Edward, who has trusted in Your promises. Welcome him to Your Kingdom in peace. By the authority which the Apostolic See has given me, I grant you a full pardon and remission of all your sins. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.