Some pseudo-random comments...

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Interesting quote from "Life in the Confederate Army"

Hi – I'm reading "Life in the Confederate Army" by William Watson and wanted to share this quote with you. This was written after the election of 1860 and is as true now as it was then.

"These assumed the leaderships of the different political parties, formed caucuses, nominated candidates, and controlled elections. These political instruments always took care to strengthen their position by their loud plaudits of some popular statesman or leader who might for the time being hold sway over the minds of a large body of the people, and whom they sought to deify, and to whose principles they professed most rigidly to adhere; and though it was necessary for their occupation that there should be two or more parties divided upon minor points,"

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Friday, January 04, 2019


I wrote the critters today and informed all three that Trump should cut a deal with the Democrates to get his wall. I took two sentences to do this.

I don't expect them to reply let alone take any action on my suggestion.

C'esla guerre

I know it is pointless and probably futile to write the fuckers but at least I have the feeling that I have done something!

Thursday, January 03, 2019

the game has begun

By now, the Democrats have taken control of the House of (mis)Representatives!

It will be interesting to see how the facebook apparatchik react. Will they take a short break? (No, I don't think they will.)

I wonder if any of the Democrats who want someone else as speaker will start voting with the Republicans? No, I doubt they will but this is a somewhat natural thought.

Will Nancy and her crew celebrate today and then start turning the screws on tRump? I suspect they have a great deal of administrative work to do in turning over chairmanships of various committees. It could be very busy for them. Then, they need to party and tap dance on the political graves of the outgoing and now powerless Republcians.