Some pseudo-random comments...

Sunday, August 05, 2018

Deaths of close family members:

Father Jack Warren Bell, 25 August 1925 to 3 February 1994
Congestive heart failure

Mother Shirley Ann Maxson 5 November 1927 to 12 March 2006
probably aneurysm

Brother James Maxson Bell 7 May 1953 to 1 August 2018
Stage 4 pancratic cancer and  liver cancer 

Brother Charles Andrew Bell  2 November 1965 to 10 December 2009 congestive heart failure

Saturday, August 04, 2018

contacting Governor Colyer

Diabetics are horribly aware that the cost of insulin keeps going up without any logical reason for this.

Nevada enacted a law that strongly regulates the cost of insulin. This law reportedly is keeping the cost of insulin from ballooning in Nevada.

 Speaking for the roughly 9% of Kansas people who are diabetics (as I am), I strongly urge you to have this Nevada law researched and then enacted and enforced in Kansas! We are tax paying family folk who have better use of our money than to feed the greed of pharm companies.

 I look forward to you and your staff working to protect the diabetics of Kansas!