Some pseudo-random comments...

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

there are flags!

A facebook entry showed the Republican Convention with the stage covered with US flags. Then, they showed the Democrat Convention with a bare stage.

They wanted people to think the Democrats unpatriotic.

I'm watching the Democrat Convention and their stage is covered with US flags.

This is just a good example of lying by telling only a little piece of the truth and then becoming silent. Ah, such a Republican thing to do!

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Friday, July 22, 2016

"The Donald"

"The Donald" gave his acceptance speech last night. This was supposed to be a half hour but ran to about an hour and a half. It was a powerful speech and I thought one that would fire up the base - the "precious" religious right base. (I am totally fed up with and disgusted with the "precious" religious right base. I wish they would sink back into their swamps and let the US of A go back to being a secular Republic with Democratic leanings!) I hope the Democrats can do as well.

The odd thing is "The Donald" kept talking in broad stokes of ideas and did not give any details. I noticed that he plans to reduce income taxes and also reduce the budget. How you can reduce your income (i.e. incomes taxes) and reduce the deficit at the same time is beyond me. Perhaps it simply can  not be done and "The Donald" is playing the American voting pubic for fools?

After a while, I noticed he kept referring to Hillary Clinton's policies and things Hillary Clinton was doing. The problem with this is that Hillary Clinton is not a Senator or Secretary of State or as yet President. She is a civilian running for the Office of President. 

She has not put any policies into effect. Yet, the Republican Candidate talked like she was in power and able to act.

I wonder if it is just those of us who dislike and don't trust Donald J. Trump who are noticing these "details". Sadly, the Republicans I know were not commenting on this on Facebook.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Trumps' wet dream wife

Saturday, July 16, 2016

cooking with wine

Rabbi, Pastour and a Priest Walk Into A Bar

Sunday, July 03, 2016

erection er election status

Well, Hillary spent 3½ hours being drilled by the FBI. I fear they are going to indict her. On the other hand, the Republicans are afraid she will not be indicted.

So, they want a Special Prosecutor. The problem with a Special Prosecutor is that it'll take perhaps six months or more. Even if she is not indicted, Hillary will not be able to  finish running.

What about "The Donald"? There was a recent spat of news about "The Donald's" people begging for campaign money from foreigners.  This happens to be illegal but what is that to "The Donald"? He is after  all "the greatest" and thus above the law...