Some pseudo-random comments...

Friday, July 27, 2012

Economic simulation

]For decades, the Republicans have contented that raising the personal income taxes on the top 5% income "earners" will reduce the money available to create jobs. The converse is that decreasing these personal income taxes will increase the jobs created. But, the personal income taxes have gone down and the unemployment rate has gone up. This suggests that if decreasing taxes increases the unemployment rate then increasing the personal tax rate will decrease unemployment.

It should be possible to test this conclusion with computer simulation. If these simulations have been done, then either the results were published in obscure journals or the folks doing the simulations did not like the results and didn't work very hard to get them published.

Mitt Romney, Diplomat?

I was appalled by former Governor Mitt Rooney's performance in London yesterday.  He was asked his opinion on the Brit's Olympic preparations. Instead of simply pointing out the good items and praising them, he pointed out flaws and possibly weak points. I did not hear him praise the Brits. This pissed them off and left a very bad impression on the Brits.

If Romney can not deal with so trivial a diplomatic matter as the Olympics, then how can he be expected to deal with War and trade disputes, etc.

He embarrassed himself, those who support him politically, those who oppose him politically and all Americans, for that matter. He simply made us look bad and I'm glad I won't be running into any Brits for a while and those I come into contact with will have forgotten the Mitt-gafs. (I hope.)

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Segan on Evolution

"We humans also have a palpable devotion to exchanging segments of DNA today."
Carl Segan

Dr. Segan had quite a way with words!  He was talking about evolution.

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Monday, July 02, 2012

Liberal Court?

The Roberts Court has been one of the most conservative in history.  They made decisions that had many puzzled, such as:

  • Citizens United, which removed the fiscal limits on how mucfh a perrson can donate,

  • Refused to give women full pay parity with men when they performed the same work,

  • Put a limit on the Merranda Rights for those facing prosecution (from what I've read)
To me, this is very Conservative. Yet, their unexpected decision to allow all of the "Affordable Health Care Act" has got a number of Tea Baggers convinced the Supreme Court has gone flaming liberal (per various news reports).  It sounds like the tea baggers and other conservatives can't accept that the Supreme Court had legal grounds for their decision; they see this decision as being "liberal".  They can not accept the idea the Supreme Court is supposed to rule based on the law and not political prejudice.

What a bunch of bullshit!

Although, to be candid, it really does seem like this Court decides on party lines...

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Lions Roar as they "prey"

People don't normally think of Lions as being intelligent enought to not only speak but to be religious and to feel the need to pray before they prey...

Let us remember the chorus to "Don't You Hear Those Lions Roar"

Don't you hear those lions roar?
Don't you hear those lions roar?
You can hear them roaring every week
As they feed and growl for more.
You should hear those lions roar
Their snarling, rumbling roar.
So, Roar Lions! Bite 'em! Bite 'em! Bite 'em!
Don't you hear those lions ...

          hear those lions ...
          hear those lions roar!

We must not forget this is also a pun...