Some pseudo-random comments...

Friday, December 23, 2022

Cold Turkey

On “Cold Turkey”: “The cruelty of this method beggars description. Tongue cannot describe nor pen portray its horrors.”

The General Practitioner As A Specialist”:  A Treatise Devoted To The Consideration Of Medical Specialties", 1904

J.D. Albright M.D.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022


Paul Anderson was a friend and I offer this to his memory.

From a lecture by Paul Dean ANDERSON:

Some people believe that formatted poems (sonnets or sestinas) are too limiting. I think that part of this art is to write poems within the restrictions of the form. I think the same is possible for short stories.

It would be interesting to read stories written using the following form. It was created by a noted writer, Paul Dean Anderson.

What I written  is a my notes of  an informal lecture given by Paul Dean Anderson at the January 1993 meeting of the Rockford Writer's Guild in Rockford, Illinois. Mr. Anderson is a well-known writer and co-editor of "2 AM Magazine". This magazine is published in Rockford and focuses on Science Fiction, Fantasy and poetry of the horror genre.

Mr. Anderson preached having interior problems for your lead characters vice external problems. I’ve used this “method” several times. I tried “selling” it to a high school English teacher years ago and was told “it is a method and methods are wrong”. She would not say why “methods” are wrong and I think she was wrong.

I believe this “method” could be used to come up with a nice plot. Any stories written with this “method” should be expanded out and that would help “disguise” the “method”.

I think this “method” could be used at a Saturday half day writing session at the library. It would certainly be fun!

How to Write a Short Story that Will Grip Your Readers!


FIRST PARAGRAPH: Give your character a THREAT that everyone can identify with. It can be a life threat or a spiritual threat.


SECOND PARAGRAPH: Develop the character and show the character’s reaction to the threat. This shows a LOT about the character.


THIRD PARAGRAPH: Throw in a prop. i.e. "the gun on the mantle", the stuff that the character is wearing or has in his/her pocket, a vehicle, suitcase, etc.


FOURTH PARAGRAPH: The second paragraph action did not overcome the threat. The character "feels down, wants to give up and end it all".


FIFTH PARAGRAPH: The threat becomes more specific to the character or to someone the character cares about. This is the “do or die moment". The character now refuses to "take it anymore".


SIXTH PARAGRAPH: The character acts intuitively and in character but fails to overcome the obstacle. He doesn't save the world (as it were).


SEVENTH PARAGRAPH: Character realizes that he must make a conscious change to solve the problem. The character MUST grow and change to face his challenge. The Character MUST make an out-of-character decision. I.e. the selfish must do a selfless act, the claustrophobe must go into a cave or sewer, the person scared of arguments must confront an obnoxious verbal bully.


EIGHTH PARAGRAPH: The character must take the out-of-character decision and combine it with the prop (see THIRD PARAGRAPH) to produce action in the resolution.


The resolution can be one sentence (as Mr. Anderson was fond of using). The resolution can be as long as you need.

Mr. Anderson challenged the Rockford Writer's Guild to write 500 word stories that would embody this ad-hoc outline above. He later stated that perhaps as much as 2000 words could work. Mr. Anderson hinted that these "rules" were somewhat ad-hoc but they flowed forth from him so easily that I had the feeling that they were something he had thought about for a long time!



I remind you that National Write a Novel In A Month starts on November 1st


Thursday, February 17, 2022

Very nice Babylon 5 quotes

 Babylon 5: Mediations of the Abyss (# 5.14)" (1998) 

Londo Mollari: "Vir, we are not biologically equipped to handle fast food." 

Vir Cotto: "I know. I know. But it tastes so great going down. Coming up again, it's not so terrific, but-" 

"Babylon 5: Believers" (1994) 

Kosh Naranek: "The avalanche has already started; it is too late for the pebbles to vote."

When the Texas State Legislature and governor padded SB1, a bill designed to restrict voting in Texas, folks thought this a bill intended to keep Democrats/Liberals from voting. Now that it is primary season in Texas it turns out this restrictive voting bill is screwing folks of all parties out of their right to vote. 

The TexAss Governor is unappologetic.

Brother Theo: Always, Edward, always. Take my hand. [Edward fumbles, and Theo takes his hand.] Through the mysteries of our redemption, may Almighty God release you from all punishments in this life and in the life to come. [Sheridan joins them, a look of dismay on his face as he realizes what's going on.] May He open to you the gates of Paradise and welcome you to everlasting joy. Father, look with compassion on Your servant Edward, who has trusted in Your promises. Welcome him to Your Kingdom in peace. By the authority which the Apostolic See has given me, I grant you a full pardon and remission of all your sins. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friday, December 31, 2021

On looting

"Undoubtedly war has a demoralizing effect upon the soldier. He becomes familiar with scenes of death and carnage, and what at first shocks him greatly he afterwards comes to look upon as a matter of course. It was difficult for a soldier to figure out why a gold watch or money in the pocket of a dead soldier, who had been trying to kill him all day, did not belong to the man who found it as much as it did to anyone else."

Four Years In The Stone Wall Brigade  

John O. Casler  

I wonder where I could post this?

Friday, December 24, 2021

On humour

 "My father once said we are given a sense of humor that we may cloak our grief."

'"Horse And Buggy Doctor"

Arthur E. Hertzler

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Stuff to take on vacation (reprint)


; Passports;

List of medicines;

Pill containers ,;

Extra pills;

Dress clothing;

Nice shoes;


Lists of places to visit;

Camera and charger;

Cell fone and charger

Kindle and charger;

Snacks; Excessive number of books; Notify folks of our being gone; Write down where the car is!; Some money for post cards; Addresses of Chris and Courtney for sending postcards to...; Assortment of nice clothing; Small notebook; Anti-pain pills; ¿Fit over sun glasses?; ¿Appointment with Dr. Rick?

Monday, October 25, 2021

Classic Mead Recipe


Syr Michael of York Mead


1 Gallon Water2 1/2 lbs Honey
1 Lemon1/2 tsp Nutmeg
1 pkg Ale or Champagne yeast

Syr Michael of York, raised in the East Kingdom, wrote the original article in the Knowne World Handbook on brewing. He has won East Kingdom brewing competitons several times with this recipe.

Boil the water and honey. Add the juice of the lemon and the nutmeg. Boil, skimming the foam that rises to the surface, until it stops foaming. Let cool to blood temperature, actually under 90 degrees F, then pitch the yeast.

Let it work two and a half weeks, bottle it and let it age two weeks.


Drink at your leisure!

types of nesting

unordred list
  • first
  • second
  • third
ordered list
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
White Zin